Jessica Fortescue, MSA, Educational Collaborator


I'm Jessica. With a diverse background in education spanning roles as a teacher, assistant principal, principal, and mother of two grown sons who have completed their educational journey, I bring a wealth of experience and insight into the educational process. I firmly believe that when schools and families collaborate to support student learning, the benefits are manifold. By maintaining an active role in their children's education, parents play a crucial part in setting them up for long-term success, both within the academic setting and in their future endeavors. My journey has shown me the incredible impact of this partnership, and I'm passionate about fostering these connections to help every student thrive.

The therapists at Halos Counseling have realized over the years that parents, children, and education manifest in various ways during sessions. I am here to provide additional support to their clients, primarily through blogs and collaboration.

Featured blogs from Jessica Fortescue