Depression Therapy in Charlotte, NC

Are You Feeling Lost, Hopeless, Or Unanchored In Life?

Female looking at you

Is an emotional heaviness impacting your mood and energy levels?

Do you feel unsatisfied despite meeting certain goals or hitting anticipated milestones?

Are you discouraged by the feeling that life is not going the way it’s supposed to?

No matter if you are just setting out onto the path of adulthood or you’ve weathered the seasons of life for many years, you may feel like you just aren’t where you imagined you would be. Even if you have achieved the career, relationship, and lifestyle you envisioned for yourself, you may feel as though something is missing. 

Physical, Emotional, Relational, And Cognitive Symptoms Are All Signs Of Depression

Depression is often hard to identify. At first, it may seem like physical symptoms—including insomnia, appetite changes, and fatigue—are unrelated to mental health. However, these symptoms can create a cycle, leading to decreased energy and motivation for everyday activities. 

Struggling with a “low” mood, you may have a hard time finding joy in the aspects of life that once inspired you. Perhaps you are avoiding your relationships or being social because you feel sad, angry, and agitated. It might seem as though you are treading water just to get through the day—sometimes even preventing you from going to work, completing tasks at home, or spending quality time with family. 

Living with depression makes it hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel, but effective treatment exists. Working with the therapists at Halos Counseling, you can re-establish a sense of motivation and normalcy in your life so that you experience more connection, peace, and satisfaction.

Despite Feeling Isolated, You Are Not Alone

Depression is one of the most common mental health issues, affecting at least 5 percent of adults globally. According to the World Health Organization, “Depression is the leading cause of disability around the world and contributes to the global burden of disease.”

There are many factors that contribute to the onset of depression—including genetics and trauma history—but many environmental or circumstantial factors can lead to chronic feelings of sadness and distress. Instances of grief and loss, relationship difficulties, and a toxic workplace environment are just some examples of situations that might result in depression. In general, any disappointment about life not meeting our vision or expectations has the potential to cause depression symptoms.

Unfortunately, it can be very difficult to feel motivated to seek treatment once depression has taken over. Without hope or support, the cycle of hopelessness continues. But therapy can help you take small, incremental steps that will gradually allow you to overcome depression. Working with the skilled clinicians at Halos Counseling, you can find new pathways to hope and healing. 

Depression Treatment At Halos Counseling

If you struggle with depression, you might often feel like you “should” be feeling better or at a different place in your life. Therapy affords you an opportunity to come exactly as you are to explore your emotions in a healthy way. Our therapists will work with you to remove some of the negative thinking, self-criticism, and shame driving your symptoms so that you can unburden yourself from the weight of depression. 

What To Expect

Once your therapist has developed a strong understanding of your unique depression symptoms and goals for treatment, they will customize the therapeutic process to uncover and heal root causes. Working with you to understand what has and has not been effective in the past, your therapist will offer self-care strategies that are designed to make manageable yet meaningful changes in your life. 

In addition, we are likely to draw from some of the following modalities in depression treatment:

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) – allows you to reframe your thoughts in a more positive way, steering away from the distorted thinking patterns that often accompany depression

  • Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) – encourages you to become fully and nonjudgmentally aware of thoughts and feelings so you can respond with more clarity and understanding

  • Interpersonal Therapy (IPT) – reflecting on your relationships, you can identify conflicts, set boundaries, and develop healthier communication strategies

  • Behavioral Activation (BA) – empowers you to engage in activities that facilitate joy and a sense of accomplishment

  • Relaxation and stress reduction techniques – provides you with emotional regulation skills that help calm the nervous system when activated

Our therapists are committed to helping you identify the areas in your life where you can feel more supported. By connecting with your therapist—as well as with friends, family, and support groups—you can significantly reduce the isolation, loneliness, and inadequacy you feel. 

At Halos Counseling, our goal is to help you understand what is going on beneath the surface of your depression so that you can facilitate lasting healing and recovery. Therapy offers you the tools you need to gain control over your depression and overcome the effect it has had on you. 

Perhaps You’re Unsure If Counseling Is Right For You…

Can a therapist actually help me conquer my depression?

Yes. Healing from depression is possible through therapy. By working with a counselor to observe and identify the thoughts, emotions, and behaviors driving your depression, you can challenge the negative perceptions making you feel sad or incapable. 

In addition to understanding the core causes of your depression, therapy will also equip you with actionable skills to help you better cope with stress, anxiety, and difficult emotions. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is considered one of the “gold standard” treatments, and we have witnessed firsthand its positive impact on a wide range of clients suffering from depression. 

I don’t need counseling—I can just go on medication for depression.

Antidepressants can certainly be a helpful tool in treatment. If your doctor has prescribed medication or if you are interested in getting a prescription, we can provide you with referrals and make sure you have the therapeutic support you need as you adjust to medications. 

That said, medication is most useful when used in conjunction with counseling. By offering you lifelong skills and emotional regulation skills, therapy can drastically reduce the impact that depression has on your life in the long run. No matter what your goals are for therapy–whether they include medication or not–we will collaborate with you on lasting solutions.  

How long do I have to be in therapy until I feel better?

The time spent in therapy varies greatly from person to person. Some clients see a reduction in symptoms within a matter of weeks, while others may need months in treatment before they start to feel better. 

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Regardless of the severity of your symptoms or the length you spend in therapy, the important thing is not to be discouraged. Therapy is a process that takes time. However, as you uncover underlying causes and develop coping strategies, you are likely to see meaningful improvements in your mental health. 

Achieve A New Sense Of Peace And Satisfaction

If you are feeling bogged down, aimless, and unmotivated, depression treatment through Halos Counseling can re-energize your zest for life. To learn more, contact us and request a free, 15-minute consultation with one of our therapists who specializes in depression.

Have any questions? Send us a message!

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