Beyond the Blur: How to Embrace LIVING in Every Moment

A handful of years ago, my husband told me about a book he was reading where the author referred to your late 20s, 30s, and early 40s as your “blur” years. You are in your career, possibly married, raising a family, buying your first house. Everything goes by so quickly that one year blends into the next. At 48 years old, I have come out of the blur years, and I am an empty-nester. I’m more reflective on everything I do, who I choose to spend my time with, and how I fill my free time. I would like to spend a few minutes talking about whether you are LIVING or living. We are all living in the sense that we are here. We have good and bad days. We might have things or experiences that excite us, but for the most part, all of our days, weeks, and years look the same. Now let's focus on LIVING. LIVING is what excites you about life. What makes you smile or brings you joy just thinking about it.

Have you tried something new lately? What are your hobbies? An easy way to bring joy into your life is to make sure you have hobbies. For me, I found myself going back to a true love I had growing up, dancing. I joined an adult class at one of the local studios. I cannot express the joy I have dancing again. As an adult, I am a horribly bad dancer. I can’t keep count or remember the combinations, and I don’t fit in the cute dance outfits I once wore, but I love every minute of every class. The thing about dance class is it is just for me—no pressure to be perfect, no pressure to perform. The weekly experience and the laughter during the classes help me to feel alive and LIVING. When was the last time you did something just for you?

What are your community groups? How are they adding to your LIVING? Your community plays an important role in your LIVING. Most of us have different communities we are involved in on a daily or weekly basis. For me, I have my church community, work community, and family/friend community. Although at times those communities overlap, individually they contribute to my LIVING in different ways. I have found that I need to be active in my community groups for them to enhance my LIVING. Personally, I found that the more I give, the more I gain. A new community group that I found myself part of is book groups on social media platforms. This is new for me, and I am figuring it out. I have enjoyed getting to talk to others with the same book interests that I have. Are you an active part of your community groups?

When was the last time you were excited to learn something new? Maybe this connects with a new hobby? Challenging our minds and bodies is a great way to make sure we are LIVING. This year, I am taking a new path in my career. I am so excited by the challenges I will face as I step out of my comfort zone. In the last few years, I decided I was going to take up crocheting. My sister-in-law had taught me to knit, so I thought it couldn’t be that hard. I spent time watching videos and talking to friends who crochet. I love it! I also learned that I don’t want to make anything larger than a dishcloth. But that is okay; it brings me joy and contributes to my LIVING. What do you do to challenge your mind? How do you keep your mind sharp?

You may read this blog and think, yes, I need to do some more LIVING. Maybe it's time for you to run the race, hike the trail, join a cooking class, or visit a foreign country. We need those experiences, laughter, and memories to feel alive. Do it! Do not let living get in the way of your LIVING.

Do not let living get in the way of your LIVING. Halos Counseling can support you on your journey to a fuller life. This blog was written by Jessica Fortescue.


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