LGBTQIA Therapy in Charlotte, NC

Are You Struggling To Feel Accepted And Understood?

  • Do you identify as LGBTQIA+?

  • Are you experiencing symptoms of identity-related anxiety, depression, or post-traumatic stress?

  • And do you wish you could be offered the same rights, respect, and autonomy as everyone else?

Love is Love

The LGBTQIA+ community has always had its fair share of struggles when it comes to discrimination. You may have started to believe that all your actions are being put under society’s microscope, opening yourself up to feelings of self-consciousness, hopelessness, and rejection. 

When you can’t live fully as your most authentic self, it can make every aspect of life seem grueling. Aside from setbacks to your individual mental health, you may be experiencing challenges in your relationships and ability to connect with others. Perhaps you don’t feel fully accepted or comfortable around your friends and family. Or maybe you are afraid to be honest about your identity with new acquaintances out of a fear of judgment or being bullied. 

Yet no matter how isolated you feel, it’s important to remember that you are not alone. Therapy can be a meaningful, life-changing opportunity to affirm and empower your LGBTQIA+ identity. Working with the therapists at Halos Counseling, you can learn to feel comfortable just as you are and get the support you need to live authentically. 

The LGBTQIA+ Community Faces Disproportionate Rates Of Intolerance And Discrimination

Recent data shows that roughly 20 million people—around 8 percent of American adults—identify as LGBTQIA+.¹ That number is steadily rising and expanding in every pocket of the country.

Despite LGBTQIA+ folks making up a substantial portion of our population, however, our society is still governed by heteronormative standards. As a result, LGBTQIA+ communities often feel “othered” and rejected by society at large, leading to increased discrimination and violence. In fact, UCLA’s School of Law published a study in 2022 estimating that LGBTQIA+ individuals were “nine times more likely to be victims of violent hate crimes.”²

Whether you’re feeling rejected by your own family or society at large due to your gender and sexual identity, there is trauma in not being fully accepted and validated for who you are. Without a strong, healthy support system, the risk of developing mental health struggles increases substantially. 

But at Halos Counseling, we want to be your support system. Working with our therapists, you can navigate your LGBTQIA+ identity in a safe, nonjudgmental atmosphere where your healing will be the primary goal. Through counseling, you can empower your strengths and learn to rise above the negativity. 

Halos Counseling Offers LGBTQIA+ Affirmative Therapy To Clients Of All Backgrounds And Identities

Our therapists understand that if you have felt abandoned, rejected, or misunderstood in the past, you may not be all that eager to explore your LGBTQIA+ identity with a counselor who you don’t know. That’s why we center the counseling process around the therapeutic relationship itself, building trust and rapport with your therapist so that you can feel welcomed, affirmed, and celebrated exactly as you are. 

LGBTQIA+ therapy is available for clients all across the gender and sexuality spectrum—whether you identify as gay, lesbian, bi, queer, asexual, nonbinary, or trans, we will tailor the counseling process to address your unique concerns. 

What To Expect

Early sessions will focus on your current circumstances as your therapist gets an idea of your most pressing concerns. If you are in a relationship, work, or living situation that feels unsafe, we will explore immediate solutions that will help you feel secure and out of harm’s way. Similarly, if you are trying to navigate the process of coming out in counseling, we will help you do so in a way that feels safe and comfortable. 

Once immediate concerns are addressed, we can begin to transition our focus to both the past and the future with the ultimate goal of creating and living the identity that feels most authentic to you. By unlearning harmful narratives and past patterns that are no longer serving you, you can live more confidently and in line with your deepest held values. 

A big part of therapy for LGBTQIA+ clients in particular, is teaching you how to be gentle with yourself. The gentler you are with your own pain and trauma, the more willing you will be to welcome and love yourself unconditionally. Using solution-focused and behaviorally oriented methods (like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, or CBT), you can actually adjust your thoughts to be more positive and self-compassionate. And through narrative therapy, you have a meaningful chance to rewrite your story. 

Our counselors believe that if you can gain momentum in moving towards your most authentic wants, desires, and self, you will absolutely achieve your goals. With the help and support of LGBTQIA+ affirming therapists, counseling can be the gateway to becoming the person you want to be—without self-doubt or apology.

Still Unsure If Counseling Is Right For You?

How do the therapists at Halos Counseling approach conversations about coming out and seeking family acceptance?

Two women

Coming out can be difficult, even if we know our families will be accepting. That’s why the first step of LGBTQIA+ centered therapy is always ensuring that clients feel safe. 

If coming out is something you want to explore in counseling, we will likely ask you questions about your expectations and desired outcome. Perhaps you will want someone with you when you talk to your family, or maybe you’ll need strategies for redirecting the conversation if things don’t go as planned. Our ultimate goal is to help you feel fully prepared and supported for what might be a tough conversation. 

How can LGBTQIA+ affirming therapy help me develop a sense of self-acceptance and empowerment?

Part of the counseling process will be reflecting on your past and identifying when and where in your life you’ve been given the message that your LGBTQIA+ identity is unacceptable. With this information, we can essentially retrain your brain to develop new self-beliefs and associations. 

As self-acceptance increases, so will your sense of empowerment. Not only will this help you feel more comfortable in your own skin—it will also help you feel seen and heard by those around you. 

How do your therapists handle LGBTQIA+ related trauma?

As trauma-informed counselors, we always move at our clients’ pace. Trauma is a Greek word that literally translates to “wound,” and we know that the deeper the wound is, the longer it takes to heal. That’s why we focus on each specific wound and give it the attention it needs until it’s healed. We understand that trauma processing is hard, exhausting work, and we want to do everything we can not to create further distress. 

It may be encouraging to know that we will never enforce a specific timeline when working through your trauma in therapy—healing is not linear, and for many in the LGBTQIA+ community, it’s a lifelong journey. 

You Deserve To Feel Loved, Accepted, And Celebrated For Who You Are

As trauma-informed, LGBTQIA+ affirming therapists, the clinicians at Halos Counseling are here to help and support you through any identity-related challenges you may be experiencing. For more information about our approach or to schedule a free, 15-minute consultation with our counselors who specialize in LGBTQIA+ issues, please contact us.


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