Tis the Season to be Jolly!?

The holiday season is packed with stuffed turkeys, fall foliage, Santa Clause, beautiful lights, Christmas trees and the constant reminder to be grateful. Commercials reiterate the joy of the season with brief shots of family and friends gathering with laughter and peace. But is the season really jolly?  Joy and the holiday season are synonymous for some but for others, not so much or at all. If you fall in the latter category, I’m here to point my finger at you and say…it’s ok! 

Grief can hit so much harder during the holiday season. Holidays can be plagued with painful memories, loss of loved ones, loneliness, guilt, and the list goes on. I am here to encourage you to SIP this holiday season. This is not an alcohol advertisement. SIP means Strengthen, Inquire, and Pursuit.  

Strengthen. Take time to recharge. This can be taking a walk, taking a nap, exercise, reading, whatever makes your heart happy. It can be alone or with someone you trust. It’s ok to feel overwhelmed and to desire time in solitude or to feel that you need attention from a special someone. Take that time and have no guilt. 

Inquire. Do a little soul searching. Ask yourself what you need. What is triggering you. Identify your response and what you need to recover from those feelings. This can also include leaning in on your higher power and belief system for guidance. 

Pursuit. This is the do phase. Once you have strengthened and taken time to search for what the solution may be, do it! This may look like being more withdrawn than being with family. This could look like not hosting or decorating. This could look like new traditions. Just do it!  

May this holiday season bring all that you need!  

The Halos Counseling Team is here to support and encourage you during this holiday season Reach out to us to schedule a free consult  to determine if we're a good fit for you.

Learn more about Grief and Loss Therapy and Depression Therapy.






But, And


I Love You and I Am Listening