Working from Home

Working from Home

None of us ever expected to be working from home and certainly not for the amount of time that it has been.  For some people that has now become the new normal to work remotely. That works well for some people, but what happens when we find ourselves feeling sad and withdrawing from those activities that once were important to us?

We are made for relationships and interaction with others. Taking that away has its downside for us both professionally and personally.

Professionally, working alone can inhibit one’s ability to stay on task. Often, we get distracted by things at home (children, spouse, chores that need completion, etc...). Even with a specific space dedicated for work, being at home can still lead to distractions.

Personally, we need interaction. Spending so much time in front of a computer and only interacting with colleagues online can leave a void. We all enjoy the banter in the office. We appreciate getting to know our co-workers and discussing work issues in person.

How can we help ourselves?

·       Take breaks throughout the day, for example, walk into another room for a few minutes

·       Step outside, get a breath of fresh air, and perform stretching exercises during a quick break

·       Before or after work – schedule exercise (important for overall well-being)

·       Develop solid boundaries between work and home

·       Get outside daily – take a walk with family, friends, or walk the dog

·       Call and talk with family and friends (do not text…talk)

·       Start a new hobby or renew a hobby you have let slide

·       Read a book – start a Book Club with a few friends (in person or online)

·       Look for ways you can interact with others

·       If possible, meet up with co-workers for lunch or dinner for small and safe gatherings

Try these suggestions and share with us what works best as you maintain life balance during these unprecedented times.

Learn more about Halos Counseling.




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