New Year, Be You!

It’s that time of year! Christmas is around the corner and the New Year follows suit. New Year brings a year of promise and lies! Why lies you ask? Well I can only speak for myself. Every year I start with goals to jump start some amazing financial advancement, travel the world, and be bodied like Meg! All these things are great and I’d be thrilled if they came to fruition. However this year was very different. Over this year the best lesson I’ve learned is to be myself! 

I wonder what drives your resolutions? Are they your own personal goals or are you driven by societal norms. This year make it personal. Think about things that are important to you. Make changes/improvements that are important and matter most to your life. This may not look like early retirement. Your body (and mine) may more closely resemble a beached whale. However what matters most is that you love you and feel the impact in your personal life. You may be surprised by how much this impacts those closest to you.  

I challenge…I implore you to make 2023 the year of you! You deserve it! Happy healing!

The Halos Counseling Team is here to support and encourage you on your wellness journey. Reach out to us to schedule a free consult  to determine if we're a good fit for you. #therapistincharlotte#therapistinshelby


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