The Gift of Health

You have probably heard the saying “health is wealth,” and if you have ever had medical bills, you know this rings true. When we think of health we normally focus on our physical health. I will give two reasonings we do this. The first reason would be for appearance. We want to look good not only for ourselves but for others. We are taught at a young age the importance of appearance and being attractive. The second reason would be that our bodies are selfish it wants to feel good. It is always speaking to us, screaming out when something is wrong whether that is through pain, fevers, gastro issues, headaches, out of breath, fatigue, etc. Our bodies are like a baby (also expensive), always crying when it needs our attention. Our mental health is no different, but it normally presents itself through the body physically. In these situations, we treat the physical symptoms, but they normally return. The reason they return is because we have been ignoring the root cause which is our mental health. If we believe health is wealth, when will we start focusing on our mental health as well as our physical health. I think of times over the years when I heard people ask others what their New Year’s Resolution were, and many times it was focused on their physical health (I know I have made that my New Year’s Resolution). I am curious what our society would be like if more people said I am going to focus on my mental health. I am curious to know if our society would be healthier physically if we focused more on our mental health. Ultimately, our physical and mental health are connected. I would argue that just because we are healthy physically it does not mean we are healthy mentally, but if we are healthy mentally than our physical health would naturally come along with it. I am not saying that all of us would be able to run marathons or be body builders because are mental health is healthy, but a component to being healthy mentally is through eating healthy and exercise. Mental health is complex, and that is where therapist come into action. Think of therapy as the gym for mental health. You come and exercise your mind. It is tiring and growth can be slow at times, but it is rewarding and life changing. 

We are in full swing in the Season of Giving! I would encourage you to gift yourself or a loved one the gift of therapy. The therapist at Halos Counseling recognize the importance of mental health, and we want to help you meet goals around your mental health. Health is wealth, and we are team mental health!

The Halos Counseling Team is here to support and encourage you on your wellness journey. Reach out to us to schedule a free consult  to determine if we're a good fit for you. #therapistincharlotte#therapistinshelby


Getting Through the Blue


Welcoming Grief