Being Human is Hard

Being human is hard. I've found myself saying that more frequently lately. So much is beyond our control. Life unfolds around us, and sometimes it’s overwhelming. Recently, I've observed heartaches such as the death of a parent, the loss of a beloved pet, health scares among siblings, intense work stress, the struggles of caring for a child having a tough day, and the adjustments new parents face. Relationship tensions, substance abuse, unemployment, chronic misunderstandings, long-term health issues, and profound loneliness are just a few of the burdens we might carry. 

We're constantly bombarded with information—real-life events, news, social media, even the plots of novels can overwhelm us, leaving us overstimulated and on the brink of burnout or exhaustion. I share these thoughts not to dwell on the negative but to remind us that it’s okay not to always put on a brave face. It’s okay to feel off, to admit when things are tough, and to acknowledge our need for support. 

Being human is naturally challenging. It’s tough to manage our emotions, to always respond perfectly, or to find the right words to express our needs. So, when life feels heavy, show yourself some compassion. Take a moment to breathe, to rest, to reset, and to ask for help if you need it. The more we embrace openness, the more manageable, and perhaps even enjoyable, our human experience can become. Let’s be kind, be curious, and be understanding. We all need it. 

Halos Counseling is here to support you. Reach out to us to schedule a free consultation to determine if we're a good fit for you.


From Silence to Understanding: Navigating Childhood Experiences and Parental Relationships


Finding Healing and Growth: Your Therapeutic Path with Brad Vaughn