Finding Healing and Growth: Your Therapeutic Path with Brad Vaughn

About Me as a Therapist 

I'd like to begin by addressing who I am not, understanding that it's common for many, including myself, to initially focus on this perspective. Recognizing this, I quickly move beyond these confines to explore and share my true self. I am not inherently a public speaker, writer, teacher, salesperson, or leader. Yet, I acknowledge my potential in these roles despite the discomfort and anxiety they may bring, which I have learned to navigate through years of practice and skill application. 

Interestingly, I do not consider myself prone to anxiety. It tends to surface in situations outside my comfort zone, offering me the opportunity to respond in my chosen manner, thanks to extensive practice and skill application. My philosophy doesn't strictly categorize beliefs into right or wrong, except in instances where harm is involved. As a therapist, my focus is on understanding behaviors rather than judging them. If a behavior no longer aligns with an individual's self-perception, my approach is to support change. In couples counseling, instead of deciding who is right or wrong, I aim for mutual understanding and collaborative solutions, often resulting in changes from both partners. 

Growth, both personal and professional, is a continuous journey for me. It's a process of discovering who I am and aspiring to who I want to be, allowing me to evolve and expand beyond my current limitations. 

Who I Am 

At my core, I am a learner. My life is filled with learning, whether it's from daily interactions, books, podcasts, educators, television, or introspection. Despite having preferred tools in therapy, I integrate new learnings into my sessions, offering those who commit to the therapeutic journey the chance to learn alongside me. Being the fourth of five children has taught me the value of observation and the power of listening over speaking. 

My therapeutic approach emphasizes self-change. I believe that internal change often leads to external change, influencing those around us. Growth and change, I hold, stem from action, intentionality, and authenticity. Serving others, in my view, is profoundly rewarding, yet it doesn't entail losing our autonomy. Establishing and maintaining boundaries is an act of self-respect and essential for healthy relationships. 

Creating a safe and authentic space for clients is paramount in my practice, encouraging healing through vulnerability. Embracing therapy is, in itself, an act of self-love. I am here to support your journey towards self-discovery and growth. 


I hope this offers you a clearer insight into my professional identity and therapeutic philosophy. Should you wish to embark on this healing journey together, please don't hesitate to reach out to Halos Counseling to schedule an appointment. I look forward to the opportunity of meeting you.



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