Navigating Life's Transitions: The Courage to Take the New Road

When you look at this picture, you see two roads. The road on the left is the one that has been in place for decades. It was the trusted and reliable path that brought my family to and from home as I grew up, walking every day from school. It is the road farm equipment used to transport food to our dairy, the road that allowed our milk to be taken and shared with families in our community. The old road was something my family and I were grateful to use as part of our everyday life.

In other words, the old road is familiar and comfortable. It has been utilized and trusted. It is used so often that it is second nature, not something we have to think about maintaining. Often in life, what is known feels comfortable because the outcome and results are predictable.

The new road on the right is untested and unknown. But now, the new road is the required path to access. The old road is blocked off and inaccessible. Like change, a new road can feel daunting. We don’t know where it leads or whether there will be roadblocks, puddles, or unanticipated issues.

Old roads, like old habits and behaviors, may not necessarily be the easiest path, but they have been tried and tested. We are comfortable with this path because we feel as though we can predict the outcome. At certain points in our lives, this path can feel safe, or even something that stays on the periphery of our consciousness. However, this sense of security can also prevent us from trying new things or seeking opportunities for growth.

Just as with these two roads, navigating change can feel similar. Our thoughts and behaviors are often shaped by what we are used to and what feels comfortable. However, sometimes change is necessary to continue on our life’s journey. It can be difficult (as change always is), but it can also present new opportunities and adventures—things we would never consider if we remained on the old road with our old thoughts and behaviors.

Change can lead to growth, but we don’t know that until we take a different path. It requires resilience, courage, and bravery to make changes in our lives. It can feel intimidating and scary to even think about change. Like the new road, it is untested. What if it doesn’t take you in the direction you want? What if you get stuck? While these are possibilities, change can also lead to new opportunities that we couldn’t have imagined. The new road might turn out to be a better or more efficient way. It might have beautiful scenery we wouldn’t have experienced otherwise. We won’t know until we are open and willing to try.

Whatever your “new road” might be, give yourself the grace to find your way and recognize the inner strength you possess to be willing to make changes. As one of my former professors used to say, “Change is inevitable, but growth is optional.” Here’s to you finding new paths and embracing all that comes with the journey! 

If you're seeking guidance on navigating growth and change in your life, Halos Counseling is here to help. Whether you're facing a significant transition or working on fostering emotional safety in your relationships, professional support can be invaluable. Reach out to Halos Counseling to begin your journey toward deeper self-awareness and emotional well-being.

This blog was written by Erin Cook, EdD.


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