How Do I Love Myself?

I am amazed with the creation of every living thing. It is wild to think about a tree starting out as a seed, a caterpillar turning into a butterfly (what the what), an elephant giving live birth after two years of her calf being in her womb, and a woman’s body being able to do what it does to have children (mind blown, thanks mom). Compared to all of creation my body is small but amazing. I wish my mind would stay on that thought. Every time I look in the mirror, get on the scale, and look at other people my thoughts of imperfections of my body flood my mind. NOT COOL MIND! Where does this stem from? What is my obsession with my body being imperfect? Who told me it was imperfect? I am able to look back on my life and understand times others made comments about my body (positive ones too), understand that at a young age I was able to identify what was so called attractive in all gender types, and how being critical on myself helped me keep my body looking the way I thought was acceptable. My body was formed in a way I cannot wrap my mind around, my body functions for me daily, my body wants to live, and my body wants to be loved. There is no better person to love my body than me. My body is only living for me.

How do I get my mind away from these criticizing thoughts? I think many of times there is an unhealthy relationship between our minds and our bodies. When we are in a healthy relationship we typically do not criticize, put down, or belittle the other person. Instead, we encourage, support, help, and compliment them. Our minds and our bodies are not any different. When there is a healthy relationship between the two, they look for ways to continue to strengthen the other in a loving way. When there is an unhealthy relationship both sides our misunderstood which leads to an endless battle. Allowing our minds to understand that our bodies are beautiful, and our bodies to understand that our minds are doing their best to help our bodies than one day they will become one and not separate. My goal for my body is to allow my mind to communicate healthy practices and allow my body to communicate to my mind on how it is feeling. Here is to me welcoming my body and my mind to become one and be healthier in a loving space. 

The Halos Counseling Team is here to support and encourage you in having a healthy relationship with your body. Reach out to us if you are looking for a therapist in Charlotte or a therapist in Shelby. Schedule a free consult with us to determine if we're a good fit for you.

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