Three P’s of a Healthy Relationship: Plenty, Peace, and Pleasure

Quick question…What is the most important relationship you have? This answer may vary depending on the individual. Some may say the relationship with their significant other is the most important. Others may say the relationship with their children are the most important. And others may feel that being connected to your higher power is the most important relationship to have.

No matter the relationship there are some criteria that are important to consider. I was reading a Sunday school lesson and it really spoke to me. It was talking about the presence of Christ in our lives. It referenced Christ’s presence bringing plenty, peace, and pleasure. This stood out to me as I agree with this sentiment. It also made me question my other relationships and if they bring the 3P’s.

1.     Plenty: When I think of plenty I think of lots of things. As far as relationships go, I think they should bring plenty of good things. Plenty of validation, safety, provision, joy, love, respect, etc. Are there going to be strains and stresses? Of course! We live in an imperfect world with imperfect people. Should the positive plenties, far outweigh the negative plenties, YES!

2.     Peace: I could stand on this forever! We are bombarded with memes, social media posts, and statements that promote protecting one's peace. I wholeheartedly agree that if it costs you your peace, it is far too expensive. Peace relates to your ability to be seen for who you are and not being judged or treated in a negative way when you are not reaching someone’s expectations. Peace is necessary in any relationship.

3.     Pleasure: Relationships are to be enjoyed. I don’t believe we were intended to be islands. I think that we are here to enjoy and learn from each other. We are pleasure seeking individuals but not all pleasures are helpful. Evaluate the pleasures in your relationships and if they work for you.

Relationships are work. Everything does not come easy. There are relationships that are worth the work. There are also relationships that are more harmful than helpful. Evaluate your relationships against the 3 P’s and see where they stand. This may not mean end the relationship but it could be an indication to have intentional conversations about the health of your relationships. Happy Healing!

The Halos Counseling Team is here to support you and your relationships. Reach out to us to schedule a free consult  to determine if we're a good fit for you and your partner.


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