How to Navigate Seasons of Change?

I love everything about summer! I love the longer days, water, sun, air conditioning, being outside, green nature, cookouts, boat rides, spending time with friends and family, and the smell of sunscreen! Summer seems to be less stressful and more relaxing. The frustrating thing is summer always comes to an end, at least where I live. We are officially in the fall season here in North Carolina, and there are many things I love about fall. But the truth is it is still not summer, and the summertime blues will hit me sooner than later (it’s already on my mind). Sometimes, I think I am no different than a tree in the fall time. I change colors and lose all my leaves until I am naked and bare for the winter months, anxiously waiting for spring to show up so I can start blossoming again. Truth is fall reminds me that winter is near, and winter brings out many emotions in me. Winter is important for the health of a tree, and I too can choose to embrace winter because winter holds healing in my life. Winter kills off the old which creates space for the new. I cannot imagine the space that would be created for my mental and emotional well-being if I allowed the old to die off. To me, I find this to be a freeing, possible, and scary thought. 

The season of change is never ending if we welcome it. Change welcomes growth. Growth welcomes healing and allows us to become who we want to be. Our mental and emotional health need change so they are not stuck in destructive thoughts and behaviors. By allowing our minds and bodies to remain in the season of change then growth and healing will naturally occur. This does not exempt of us from pain and with that there is an understanding that change, growth, and healing are painful at times too. Life encourages and forces change. We can fight it or welcome it. Do we remain the same or do we change, grow, and heal? It is our choice. If you find yourself stuck in a season, hard to make changes, or no longer growing then make a change and seek out a therapist with Halos Counseling.   

Reach out to Halos Counseling if you are looking for a therapist in Charlotte or a therapist in Shelby. Schedule a free consult with us to determine if we're a good fit for you.

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